Every now and then, door locks can require some form of maintenance to carry on working correctly. Door locks may also require some repairs over time. While some door lock problems are easily fixed by yourself, other door lock problems may need a professional commercial locksmith. To prevent any further damage. For property owners, whether residential or commercial, door lock repairs or issues are inevitable at one time or another.

Depending on your specific door lock problem, it can lead to the security of your home being lessened. Therefore, your property can end up being left vulnerable. You should not delay in getting repairs, as soon as you notice any issues with your door lock mechanism. If the issue is not addressed, it could lead to a bigger issue. These problems could be costly repairs or a risk of break in.
This article will discuss some common door lock issues and some suggestions for how they can be fixed.
Door Lock Problem #1: Loose Door Lock or Handle
As you are likely aware, door locks have many internal moving components. Every single component inside the lock is essential to keeping the lock working as it should. Usually, the entire lock will not work properly if one component of the lock mechanism is broken. Some issues may even seemingly be related to other causes and be disguised.
But how do door lock components become loose in the first place? The answer to this is very simple. After many years of use, door locks can become loose over time. This is especially true for doors that get the most use. For example, such as exterior front doors that secure the entire property.
A loose door lock or handle is arguably one of the easiest door lock faults to notice. You are most likely to notice that something is wrong, and it has become loose when you are using the lock and handle. Therefore, if it is a door that you use a lot, you will notice very quickly.
As there are a few reasons why door locks or handles can become loose, another reason why this may be happening could be because the internal components are not working together.
This type of door lock issue affects both the interior and exterior components of the door lock. However, this is typically an easy fix. Usually, this type of repair requires investigation of the screws ha hold several components together. Tightening or replacing the screws in the door lock will solve the issue. Replacing the screws is only necessary if they have become worn down or perhaps even broken after extensive use.
Someone will be able to enter your home or office, if your door lock or handle becomes loose. Especially if it goes unnoticed or left without being fixed quickly enough. You may also not be able to gain access yourself and be locked out of the building.
Door Lock Problem #1: How to Fix It
As long as you have some knowledge of what to look out for, fixing a loose door lock or handle is a relatively easy repair. However, you may find yourself needing the help of a locksmith. It is important to be aware if you are not completely sure of how to identify the source of the issue. If you cannot confidently repair it, then you should not attempt to do it yourself.
Here are a few reasons why your door lock or handle could have become loose. We will also highlight some ways to fix it:
If the screws in your door lock have started becoming loose, this is a very simple fix for most people. All you must do is tighten the affected screws. Simple as that! As this is such an easy fix, this should be one you could do yourself. However, as long as you have the correct tools. Even if you do not have the tools lying around, you could always obtain them. Pop into a local hardware store to purchase some of the required tools.
Sometimes, the screws and internal components of the door lock may be broken. If a broken door lock is the cause of your loose lock or handle, then the parts will need to be replaced and reinstalled. Firstly, the door lock will need to be removed, in order to replace the door lock. To replace the parts, you will need to identify what parts are needed. Once you have purchased these new parts, you can then begin the repair. However, you should never hesitate in contacting a professional locksmith. Especially if you are unable to take it on as you feel it is too complicated.
If neither of these solutions is able to repair your door lock, this may mean that something a bit more complicated is going on with the internal components. In this case, you may need to contact a professional locksmith to have a look for you. Although, if you are confident in doing the repairs, you could take a look at yourself by disassembling the door lock.
Door Lock Problem #2: Misaligned Door Locks
Firstly, you should be aware of some of the terminology that is used when professionals talk about misaligned door locks. Both misaligned door locks and misaligned strike plates are used interchangeably. The reason for this is because both often lead to the same problems.
If you have a misaligned door lock, then this should be fairly easy to spot. You may already be aware, but a misaligned lock refers to when the moving parts of the internal components are not lining up in the way that they should. Without the internal components lining up correctly, the door will simply not lock.
If your door lock is misaligned, this could be occurring for several reasons. However, your door lock not being installed correctly may be causing the issue. Alternatively, weather conditions may have warped the door itself or even the door frames. When trying to identify the source of the issue, all of these should be considered.
Living with a door lock that is misaligned will leave your home or office vulnerable and open to attacks. For this reason, to minimize the risk, the issue needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. It can also lead to the components getting even more damaged. The door lock or door itself could end up being completely broken if a misaligned door lock is not fixed.
Door Lock Problem #2: How to Fix It
Door locks that are misaligned are relatively easy to fix. They can often be done in the manner of DIY, so you better get your tools out! Although, we must stress that if you are not confident or familiar with this type of issue, then you should contact a professional locksmith. If you attempt to fix a misaligned door lock yourself, you could potentially end up causing even more damage. Therefore, the cost of repairing the door lock will be higher.
Whether you attempt to DIY your misaligned door lock or not, here are a few ways that it can be fixed:
Firstly, you need to examine the door screws and hinges to ensure that they are how they should be. Sometimes, you will find that the door lock is not the issue at all. Occasionally, simply tightening the screws in the door hinges can correct this issue, as incorrectly installed door hinges can often give the appearance of a misaligned door lock. However, if the door hinges are secure and all fine, then the issue is most likely with the door lock alignment.
In some instances, the strike plate will need to be adjusted and aligned properly with the latch or lock bolt. To do this, the strike plate needs to be repositioned into the correct place by unscrewing it.
Door Lock Problem #3: Broken Key in Lock
Arguably, getting your key stuck and then broken inside the locking mechanism is one of the most frustrating door lock issues. Mostly because you are well aware that it is a result of your own doing, in most cases. Getting your key broken inside the lock can be quite challenging, as it may not be as simple as getting the broken key out. In some instances, the internal components of the lock can end up being damaged. This is especially in any cases where the key has been broken off with force.
While many people will attempt to remove the broken key themselves, it is not this straight forward. As we mentioned above, it can lead to internal components being broken. Even if your door lock is intact, you could end up damaging your lock by removing the key incorrectly.
Door Lock Problem #3: How to Fix It
Although it may seem it, removing a broken key from a door lock is not a straightforward affair. To prevent any further damage to the door lock, you should consider contacting a professional locksmith to help you out. A locksmith will know how to remove the broken key and any smaller broken pieces from the door lock efficiently.
While it is advisable to call a locksmith to remove the broken key, here are the steps involved in the removal:
Firstly, the broken key and any smaller pieces that have broken off need to be extracted from the door lock. More likely than not, a locksmith will come with an extraction kit to make this procedure easier.
Please note: it is important that you do not try to use the door lock while there are any broken key pieces stuck inside the locking mechanism. If you do, you will end up pushing the broken pieces deeper into the mechanism, resulting in even more damage. You could even end up breaking another key.
Once the locksmith has successfully extracted the key and any broken pieces, the door lock will need to be examined. A locksmith will examine the door lock to ensure that the components are still working. This is done by using another key to attempt to use the lock. However, this is done very carefully with minimal risk. Doing this will show the locksmith how the lock is working and whether it needs any repairs. If the door lock is damaged at all, the locksmith will need to either repair or replace the door lock.
Door Lock Problem #4: Jammed Door Locks
Door locks can become jammed for all sorts of reasons, some of which we will discuss in this section here. It is important that you repair any jammed door locks as soon as you notice them. Ignoring the issue could result in even more damage to the door lock and door frame. Repairing and fixing the issue sooner than later will help you to prevent any further damage.
One of the most common reasons door locks jam in the first place is through the build-up of debris and dirt. Many things can clog inside door locks, and part of this is identifying what has clogged your door lock. If debris builds up inside the door lock, this could lead to the internal mechanism eventually being completely clogged. When this happens, the door lock will be unable to function as it should, leaving you unable to use your key. If your door lock is jammed, for this reason, this could lead to keys getting stuck and broken inside the door lock. This then escalates the issue by causing an additional problem that needs attention.
In addition, your door lock being jammed could also be a sign of an attempted break in. As scary as it sounds, this is a common sign that someone has attempted to gain entry into your home or office. If you are confident that there is no other cause for your door lock to be jammed, this could well be the cause. But this usually only happens if someone has attempted to break in and has broken your door latch or bolt.
Door Lock Problem #4: How to Fix It
Without surprise, before your door lock can be fixed the first step here is to identify why your lock is jammed. There could be many reasons why your door lock is jammed, so examining the lock and the door is important for performing repairs. You should take notice of the door hardware as well as the door itself. It is important to check the entire door and its components over for any damage.
If your door lock is jammed as the result of the build up of debris or dirt, then you need to clean and remove it. Remove any dirt that is causing the build up by applying a lubricant. However, it must be noted that the correct lubricant should be used. If you make the mistake of using the wrong lubricant, you could end up causing more problems. Locksmiths generally use lubricants such as Graphite or WD-40.
However, if your door lock is jammed as the result of a broken latch or bolt, the repair will be a different process. The door latch or bolt will need to be repaired or replaced entirely, depending on the level of damage. While many homeowners will attempt to fix a broken bolt themselves, this usually requires the professional help of a locksmith. Bending it back into shape is not the solution to a broken bolt. Attempting to do this will cause the bolt to become weakened. For this reason, it is better to address it in an appropriate way. If you do not have the tools or knowledge to repair this yourself, you will need the assistance of a professional locksmith.
Door Lock Problem #5: Loose Lock Cylinder
Ultimately, in order to lock your door, the lock cylinder needs to be secured in place. Your key will not turn if the cylinder is not secured. When the lock cylinder rotates, you simply will not be able to lock your door at all. If you try to turn your key inside the door lock and the entire cylinder turns, this needs to be addressed immediately.
You can end up being locked out of your home or office if this happens to you. As a result, you will not be able to gain entry at all until the issue is resolved. Alternatively, if your lock cylinder is not working as it should, you may not be able to lock the door as you leave your home or office. As a result, you either will not be able to gain entry or you will not be able to leave your property secure.
As a result, anyone who wishes to force their way into your property can do so with very little resistance. If you are unable to secure your property when leaving, a criminal will be able to freely open the front door. For this reason, you should not hesitate in calling a professional locksmith or fix the issue yourself. You should never attempt to leave your property in this state as you are leaving it vulnerable.
While this issue is extremely easy to identify, it may not be the simplest fix. Of course, this depends on your knowledge and the tools you have available to you. Usually, loosened or damaged set screws are the cause of your door lock cylinder rotating when in use. Therefore, the fix may be simple in strict terms – to tighten or replace the set screws – however, you need to know how to locate the screws first!
Door Lock Problem #5: How to Fix It
As we discussed above, this may be a simple fix, but you may not be able to perform this repair yourself. You may need the assistance of a professional locksmith who can efficiently fix the issue. The first step in fixing this problem is first to identify where the set screws are that are holding the lock cylinder in place.
It must be noted that set screws can be in different locations, for different door locks. So regardless of whether you have done this type of repair before, it does not mean that you will automatically know where to look this time.
For instance, for some door locks, you may need to remove the faceplate in order to find the set screws. Whereas with other door locks, you may need to remove a part of the lock completely.
The set screws can be tightened or replaced accordingly, once the set screws have been located. The set screws should be replaced if they are damaged in any way. The reason for this is because they will not work as they should otherwise. Even if you are confident the screws will secure the cylinder, this can result in the cylinder rotating once again when the screws become too damaged.
Once the set screws are secured in place, you should test that the door lock works. You need to have secured the screws enough so that the cylinder is once again secure and no longer rotating. With the lock cylinder secure, you should be able to lock your door once again.
The Bottom Line
Ultimately, there are many different types of door lock problems. While we have covered a few of the common door lock issues that can occur from time to time, there are plenty more. If not addressed quickly enough, many door lock problems can end up being expensive. While some problems with door locks can be repaired by inexperienced homeowners, other types of issues will require the attention of a professional locksmith.
It is important for you to be aware of the times when you are able to perform DIY on your door lock. Likewise, when you are not able to carry out the essential repairs and need to hire a locksmith to do the job. Whether you do not have the correct tools or knowledge, you may benefit from hiring a professional locksmith before attempting to fix the issue yourself. As you could potentially end up damaging your door lock or door further. After all, carrying out repairs to a high standard is vital to your security.